The Schaduwkade was realized thanks to many donations from current and former residents of the Nieuwe Keizersgracht, relatives of the remembered victims and some foundations, the city center district and the municipality of Amsterdam.
It was possible to adopt a plaque: 100 plaques were adopted.
The thanks page lists some of these foundations.
Donations for the preservation of the monument and activities around the monument can be transferred to:
Shadow Quay Foundation
IBAN: NL82TRIO0254773524
Cultural ANBI status
RSIN/fiscal number: 8518.41.624
Donors to the Shadow Quay Foundation have a tax benefit because our foundation has a status of Cultural ANBI:
Donors to cultural ANBIs are subject to an additional gift deduction. Individuals may deduct 1.25 times the amount of the gift in their income tax return. Companies subject to corporate income tax may deduct 1.5 times the amount of the gift in their corporate income tax return.